Top quality sporting facilities, green space, play area, cafe and community space
The new room opened in August 2021 and is an ideal space for indoor exercise classes, meetings and children's birthday parties. It now hosts a core of regular weekly sessions along with other ad hoc users - all bookings are built around this timetable along with our YSHC use of the room on Saturdays.
For more information about our users, regular classes and fees, please see below:
Community Space Fees And Charges 2024-25
Opening Hours and Timetable:
The room is open from 9am-9pm Monday- Friday and from 10am-4pm on Sundays, please contact us for booking enquiries.
Wi-Fi, disabled access, toilets, tables and chairs, hot water urn and cups all available with room hire.
To request a booking please click here:
Should you have any questions, please email: Yeovilrecbookings@yeovil.gov.uk